Heroin is a powerful and addictive drug that can quickly take over someone’s life. It’s important to be aware of the signs of addiction and to know when it’s time to seek help at a Portland, Oregon heroin rehab center.
A heroin addiction treatment program in Portland, Oregon can provide a new path forward. If you or a loved one is struggling to overcome this substance use disorder, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. A heroin rehab center in Portland, Oregon can offer support, guidance, and medical care to ensure you begin recovery with a strong foundation.
The Need for Portland Heroin Rehab
People can become addicted to heroin after just one use. The drug produces a feeling of pleasure by interacting with brain receptors. These receptors are located in the area of the brain responsible for regulating mood, breathing, heart rate, and sleeping patterns. When heroin binds to these receptors, it causes the release of a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is associated with feelings of pleasure and reward, and it plays a role in reinforcement learning (the process by which people learn associations between behaviors and outcomes). As a result, the brains start to associate using heroin with feeling good—which leads them to want to keep using the drug again and again in pursuit of that feeling.
The ongoing use of heroin changes the way the brain functions. With repeated exposure, the brain starts to adapt in order to compensate for the presence of the drug. For example, levels of dopamine become more depleted as neuron pathways are altered. This change in brain chemistry can lead people who are addicted to heroin to feel withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop using the drug—which is one reason why it can be so difficult for people to quit on their own.
Signs It’s Time To Seek Treatment at a Heroin Rehab Center in Portland
If you’re not sure whether or not you need treatment, here are some signs that indicate it might be time to get help:
- You’ve tried to quit on your own but haven’t been successful
- You keep using despite negative consequences, like losing your job or conflict in relationships
- Your use is interfering with your ability to meet important obligations at work, at home, or at school
- You’re engaging in risky behaviors when under the influence
- Your family or friends have expressed concern about your use
It’s not necessary to hit a low point to seek treatment—early intervention can make it easier to stay in recovery. If you’re struggling with heroin addiction, reach out to a Portland, Oregon heroin rehab center today to learn more about your treatment options.
How a Heroin Rehab Center in Portland Can Help
Treating addiction is complex because it involves addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of the disease. A comprehensive heroin rehab program can provide essential support throughout every stage of recovery. You’ll have access to top-notch medical care 24/7, as well as evidence-based therapies that are designed to help you address underlying issues that may be contributing to your addiction, such as past trauma or mental health concerns. With this kind of support, you’ll increase your chances of achieving long-term abstinence and living a healthy, sober life.
Reach Out to a Heroin Rehab Center Today
If you’re struggling with heroin addiction, know that you’re not alone—and there is help available at a Portland heroin rehab center. Addiction is a complex disease that requires specialized treatment from experienced professionals. If you’re ready to get started on your journey toward recovery, contact an addiction treatment center near you today.